By Jack Irwin – My Blog for Jan. 26, 2014:  Fool’s Paradise

There are a lot of hypocrites all over the town, the state, the nation, and the world.  Everyone seems to be an expert on determining who is a hypocrite.  If you were to ask what is the best way of assessing whether someone, or the position they hold, is true, you would get out your “hypocrite meter!”  Our culture prides itself in discovering and bringing down those who are hypocrites.  Aren’t the changing-position-according-to-the-pole politicians hypocrites?  Aren’t those racist Christians hypocrites? Aren’t those atheists who admit to the uniqueness of mother earth hypocrites?  To say it another way, people have a nose for sniffing out someone who says/does one thing and at the same time says/does something contradictory.

However, while we denigrate hypocrites, in some ways our culture tolerates hypocrites.   Oh, politicians must be political.  Oh, we believe in the sanctity of marriage vows but pornography is legal.  Oh, the court holds parents responsible for their children until they are 18, but parents have no right to even know if their child gets an abortion.  Lots of hypocritical positions can be found in the way our culture operates.

Next to politics, religion is the number two subject of the “hypocrite-meter.”  Of all historical figures, Jesus rates high on using the “hypocrite-meter.”  He couldn’t be gracious, loving or merciful toward religious hypocrites.  Not meek and mild, he was judgmental and harsh with them.  To the Pharisees, a Jewish party who believed in practicing the Jewish religion “to the tee,” Jesus said, “You hypocrites!  Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, [saying] ‘These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.’”(Matthew 15:7-8, quoting the Old Testament prophet at Isaiah 29:13)

Isaiah was not alone.  We heard from our pastor today on how Jeremiah, the prophet to the Jewish state of Judah in the 7th century BC, accused the people of religious hypocrisy.  While they worshipped the Lord God Almighty of Israel and performed the rituals of the Jewish religion at the Temple in Jerusalem, they oppressed the alien, fatherless, and widow; shed innocent blood; and even worshipped other pagan gods.  (see Jeremiah chapter 7).

Religious worship alone does not prove that one is saved.  The Lord God is more interested in people acting out the principles of God’s Kingdom here on earth:  love, mercy and justice.  James, one of the first century Christian leaders, wrote to the New Testament church, that “true religion” is not about religious rituals and going to church but is looking after orphans and widows in their distress and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world.  (James 1:22)

So, we must always ask ourselves, are we “walking the talk”?  Does our walk contradict our talk? It is not easy to do this on our own.  We need others to help us go through this “check out,” and that is why church is helpful.  As we gather together in church to worship, we are reminded of true religion, we confess our sins and we are encouraged to practice what we believe.

Jack Irwin